Nova Trutina
Nova Trutina is a template focused on fast paced gameplay with an emphasis on the balance. The key features of this template are relatively small size and three paths to the opponent. This results in a high contact match, where you have to outplay your opponent through positioning, chaining, and element of surprise.
Recommended settings
- Map size: L
- Player count: 2
- AI players: 0
- Teams: none
- Water: none
- Monsters: strong
- Difficulty: 160%
- Chess timer: 16:00+7:00+1:30
- Roads: medium
- Sim turns: 116
Template specifications
- Map size: L
- Zones 1 and 2 are player starting zones.
- Treasure values: (500-2000, 17), (2000-4000, 5)
- Terrain is corresponding to the towns chosen by the players.
- Relics and Quest Artifacts are disabled on this zone.
- A single Redwood Observatory and a single Griffin Conservatory spawns in each of these zones.
- Additionally, there is a single tier 1 and tier 2 dwelling available for most of the factions. Exceptions are:
- Tower is given two Workshops at start, instead of a single Workshop and a single Parapet.
- Dungeon is given two Warrens at start, instead of a single Warren and a single Harpy Loft.
- Necropolis is given only a single Cursed Temple.
- Conflux is given only a single Flower of Life.
- Zones 7 and 8 are player secondary zones.
- Treasure values: (500-3000, 13), (4000-6000, 6)
- Terrain is randomly chosen from Dirt, Grass, Lava and Highlands.
- Relics are disaled on this zone.
- Towns spawning in this zone are always different to the player’s choices.
- Zones 5 and 6 are treasure zones.
- Treasure values: (3000-5000, 11), (5000-10000, 6), (10000-15000, 1)
- Terrain is always Wasteland.
- Relics are disaled on this zone.
- A single Redwood Observatory, two Dragon Fly Hives and two Wolf Raider Pickets spawn in each of these zones.
- Towns spawning in this zone are always different to the player’s choices.
- Zones 3 and 4 are super-treasure zones.
- Treasure values: (10000-15000, 9), (15000-20000, 6), (20000- 30000, 1)
- Terrain is always Desert.
- A single Dragon Fly Hive, a single Wolf Raider Picket, a single Red Tower and two Dragon Utopias spawn in each of these zones.
- Additionally, there are three Spell Scrolls containing a level 5 spell.
- Town in the zone 4 corresponds to the Red player’s choice, while the town in the zone 3 corresponds to the blue player’s choice.
- Banned Spells: Fly, Water Walk, Dimension Door, Town Portal
- Banned Artifacts: Angel Wings, Tome of Fire Magic, Tome of Air Magic, Tome of Water Magic, Tome of Earth Magic, Spellbinder’s Hat.
- Unless specified in the zone’s description, the following objects are disabled:
- Dragon Utopias
- Wolf Raider Pickets
- Experimental Shops
- Red Towers
- Dragon Fly Hives
- Griffin Conservatories
- Spell Scrolls containing Fly/WW/DD/TP
- Quests rewarding tier 1-4 units
- Pandora boxes containing tier 1-4 units
- Skeleton Transformers
- Prisons
- Obelisks
- Creature dwellings.
- Banned hero: Tiva. Allowed hero: Adrienne.
- Combat turn limit: 100